Friday 16 March 2007

The first steps

I didn't realise there were so many pickle and chutney recipes! My long held ambition to have a small business, making and supplying them from home, may be coming to fruition.
In the past few weeks, I have tried lots of recipes, some more successful and tasty than others. Now I have whittled them down to the starting four.
  • Chunky piccalilli
  • Apple and lemon
  • Mango and red onion
  • Spicy marrow relish

I have others 'waiting in the wings', which I am developing to my specifications, such as 'Strawberry and mixed berry chutney', which tastes devine. It's a deep red colour, satisfyingly thick and chunky! I will have to check its shelf life and price viability, though, before going firm with that one. Maybe I'll just keep it for us!

So much to think about, but so exciting!

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